My Garden Retreat

My Garden Retreat
photo Gridley Graves for Country Living

Hello Again!

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July and I can't get over how time has flown since I last logged into my blogger account!
I know it's been awhile since I was last here...
Life just took over and time just seemed to fly by.

As I was putting some flags in the vintage basket that hangs on my front door...
I thought I would share it with you and let you know, all is well.

I don't want to forget to wave my flag(s)...
To let anyone who might pass by my front door to know...we are proud to be Americans and are thankful for this day in our nations history.

We are proud of our youngest son as he serves our country and even if it is a simple gesture and he will never see it... I wanted to support him by putting the flags out today!

Just this morning, I heard from my sweet sailor.
He is currently deployed...
Location unknown while at sea but thankfully~ he sends his mom (me) an email when he can!

In other news,

The house renovation has picked up a bit of steam lately and soon I will share the completed library! :)
The garden is now in full bloom...

The hydrangeas outside of the cottage decided to be bicolor this year!

They are pretty cool looking!

The roses were lovely on the arches in early May...

And Tinker House is finally starting to get the covering of Sweet Autumn Clematis that I planted two years ago!

I have been working outside whenever the weather has permitted this year. It has been a terribly wet and chilly Spring and Summer. I am always so thankful when the sun decides to shine!

Then, there's the puppy...
Emmitt is growing like a weed and of course...into everything!

This picture was taken the first week of June, my sweet sailor was home one last time before he deployed for Japan.
Time really does seem to fly these days!
It seems like just last week he was here sitting on that couch laughing at Emmitt!
Oh well!

You are in my thoughts my friends!
Have a blessed Fourth of July !


  1. Love the basket of flaws for your door! Your flowers are so beautiful too! Happy 4th!

  2. your basket of flags makes me want to stand up and salute. what a great idea. I wish I had picked up something like that when I was at Hobby Lobby the other day, but I couldn't think of what to put in it. Now, I will just copy your flags!

  3. Happy Fourth of July, Donna!
    I have missed you!
    The best of blessings to all!

  4. Hi Donna- I am so happy to see a post from you. I have been thinking about you and wondered i all was well with you. God bless your son as he serves and protects our country. I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July- xo Diana

  5. Donna, I have missed reading your blog. I saw you one day out in your garden, so I know you've been busy.:):) Glad your house is moving along in the direction you want....finished . Thank your son for all of us, he'll be in our thoughts today. Happy 4th. xoxo,Susie

  6. So glad to see a blog entry. I agree on how time flies. This month I will be retired 2 yrs. now. So hard to believe how fast it went. I'm in the finishing throws, like you, of a long project. I am finally making progress getting drapes made, having cabinets built, getting a clothesline, kitchen remodel, painting, etc. I see the end and so does my poor hubby. He asked I not look at so many magazines, no more honey-dos for awhile. I'm sure you feel the same.
    It's great to see you back and I am excited to hear of your remodel.

  7. Good to here from you....I thought you were gone....can't wait to see more of your beautiful home improvements!

  8. Happy Fourth! Happy Fourth to your brave son too! Love your flowers - my favorite! Just stopping by before I head out to a "barbyQ" :-) to celebrate.

    big hugs and lots of smiles

  9. I've missed hearing what you're up to and keeping track of all the house fun. The pupster is adorable, love seeing his toys. Your hydrangeas are causing me bloom envy, and seeing Tinker House is a sight for sore eyes. Hope you're having a great summer!

  10. There you are! I know, i know, time goes by so fast and there are soooo many things to do. I have been way behind on blog posts and reading my friends posts too. It was fun to get an overview of some of the things you have going on. Emmett looks like a hoot, i bet he keeps ya'll on your toes! smile... Love the spray of flags on your door, and seeing tinker house with the august clematis. I love the way it fragrances the air at the end of summer. If you hang out clothes on the clothesline when it's blooming, your clothes will smell so sweet...



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I love reading them~they truly make my day!
~Donna Reyné