Tuesday, January 24, 2017

They say Absence makes the Heart grow Fonder

I sure am hoping this is true!
Time once again, has gotten away from me.

So here's an attempt to put a cork in it!
(Time that is)

Just a quick look back and then FORWARD!
Are you with me?

Okay, to pick up where we left off...sort of.
Last Summer,
We started off on a new adventure

Binoculars are optional as we make our way through the Summer

Paisley came to visit her Grammy here in Indiana.

And we had a Grand time.
Her sweet cousin Keller  (our second Grandbaby) came for lunch

And 2 weeks later, he turned ONE!

Summer turned into Autumn

Trick or treats for the little darlings

And just before Winter

Paisley turned 3

Decorations went up for Christmas

It was at this moment that I decided to get sick.
It started out as acute Bronchitis and before Christmas, developed into Pneumonia.
And that brings us to now.

For the past 9 weeks I have spent most of my time down and out.
Last week, I went outside for a tiny bit and walked around my garden.

With no more than a dusting of snow thus far this Winter
And above average temperatures..
My garden is waking up a bit too early.

Winter is expected to return later this week and I actually find myself looking forward to a snow day or two.

Well, were pretty much caught up.
I have started redesigning my blog and linking everything together.
I'm looking forward to sharing the next step with you later this week.
Perhaps on a snow day?

Thank you for stopping by
Blessings to you my friends!


  1. Oh My Dear! I was wondering about you the other day and even pulled up your blog to see if I might have missed a posting. I am so sorry you had pneumonia. I had the same thing happen to me about 3 years ago. I NEVER get sick and I'll tell you- I coughed off and on for about 6 months. I thought I was never going to quit coughing. I hope yours clears up quicker than that.
    Your little Paisley is just darling and so is her little cousin. Nothing like sweet babies in the family, is there?
    I didn't realize you lived in IN. I know- where have I been-lol. My daughter moved to Carmel, IN a couple of years ago and just loves it there. The climate is so much milder than we have here in WI...and she has adapted well to that area.
    I hope to see you post more often now that you have got us all caught up. Everything looks as beautiful as always. xo Diana

    1. So glad you posted again! We missed you! But I know that life happens & we sometimes have to give other things in our lives priority! Hope you are back to normal soon. 😊

      I live down the Interstate from you in Columbus. Lots of rain down here! Good thing it wasn't cold enough to snow!

      Welcome back! Maybe I will resurrect my blog one of these days...

  2. Thank you Diana! Your daughter lives about 40 minutes from me! We need to get together when you come for a visit soon!
    Keller is our sons firstborn and our second grandbaby!

  3. So enjoy these precious little ones and the first signs of spring...even if a bit early.

  4. So worth the wait. Thank you!

  5. Goodness gracious me, no wonder you haven't had time to blog. You've been busier than a bee! I love seeing your year and miss seeing you! Your babies are precious and could Paisley's eyes be any bluer? Love you!!!

    1. Love you too!
      We have her precious Daddy to thank for those blues!

  6. Just started following your blog. Your gardens are beautiful as is your lovely home. So sorry you have been ill and praying that 2017 is a healthy year for you. Look forward to following as you share your home and gardens.

  7. There you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Omgosh, Donna! How everyone and everywhere around you has grown even more beautiful!

  8. Wowwww what a post...welcome back !!!......love Ria x ❤️

  9. Oh, how good it felt to catch up with you today Donna! It was so much fun to see your darling grand-littles! It looks like Paisley must have had the time of her life in your garden. I adore those pics of her..and sweet Keller, well, he looks all boy to me :)))
    You really are having a mild winter, aren't you? We are having about a usual, but a little more than last year. Last year we only had three foot fall and so far this winter we've had about five foot. Now that has settled it's a little over waist deep to me. I'm actually loving it! It just means I will have lots of water for the garden next year. I hope you are getting back to feeling better sweetheart! Please!!!
    I love you girl!!!!

    1. I am quite envious of your beautiful snow my sweet friend! I too love it when I look out and see drifts of white. It really brightens things up. It's been so dreary! Yuck!
      I Love you too!


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I love reading them~they truly make my day!
~Donna Reyné