My Garden Retreat

My Garden Retreat
photo Gridley Graves for Country Living

Think Pink

Hello my friends!
I have been so busy preparing for the  City Farmhouse Pop-up Barn Event in Tennessee that I forgot to let you know that...

It's a girl!

This is a picture from our daughter's facebook page. It was taken on the evening of her gender reveal party!
This was a new thing for me, actually , I had never heard of a gender reveal party until she started planning for it!
Unfortunately, We were unable to be there with her in Texas but we will see her soon!
She and Russell are coming to visit for a few days and then  they will follow me to Tennessee to help out at the event!

What a couple of sweethearts!

And the rest of our news?
Her name is:

Paisley Reyné

This soon to be Grammy is very excited!

Let the shopping begin! We are in serious pink mode around here!


  1. I see ribbons, bows, and ballet skirts in your future. Congratulations Grammy!

  2. I've never heard of a gender party either. I guess I'm not up with trends like this, but it does sound fun. Congratulations grandma to be!

  3. Awesome, little girls are so wonderful. We are into little boys at my house! Di@Cottage-Wishes

  4. Bless your heart Donna. That is a really sweet name. That is going to be one really dressed little baby girl....the way you sew !!! xoxo,Susie

  5. Congratulations my sweet Prima Donna. Get ready to lose your heart all over again.
    This is going to be one well loved little girl.
    Many blessings to the about-to-be new parents. April looks so cute with her little banner and big ol' smile. That smile says it all.
    XO, miss you and hoping we get to come to Tennessee in October.

  6. Congratulations to you and your family! What a fun time of life :) With two grown kids of my own.. a grandbaby will be the next phase. Lots of change in the way things are done. I haven't heard of a gender reveal party?? Is that instead of a baby shower or in addition to??

  7. congratulations on the announcement of your new grand daughter! i am just finding out that you will be at the pop up barn sale...i live nearby and can not wait to see the inside of that barn and to meet some bloggers there....hope to see you there.

  8. How wonderful!!! Love that she chose you name too!


  9. Congratulations! So exciting!



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I love reading them~they truly make my day!
~Donna Reyné