My Garden Retreat

My Garden Retreat
photo Gridley Graves for Country Living

Some changes in the air

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and those of you here in the states...the extra day was nice wasn't it?
As you might have noticed...
My blog header is getting a bit of a makeover thanks to the wonderful and talented Mandy!

à la parisienne
Mandy's beautiful blog click here

It has been on my mind for awhile now...
To change the title of my blog.
To make it more true to my life now...
I will tell you more soon!
But for now,
I wanted to show you my sweet Autumn Clematis

As you can see...
It's in bloom!

And as usual...
It's really lovely

Don't you think?

Even the new vines that were planted on both sides of Tinker this Spring are budded out!

Well, I have to get busy.
Pumpkins have been a big hit in my etsy store and I am trying to keep up!
(Thanks to those of you who purchased them!)
I have a new design to share with you once I ship out the weekends orders
I think your gonna like it!
So, until next time...


  1. Your header looks beautiful! I hope you keep your beautiful blue background, every time i see your page, i sigh it's so soft and pretty.
    I too love the august clematis... if you hang laundry out to dry when it's blooming your laundry will be scented with it and will smell wonderful...


  2. The clematis and the header are beautiful. I can relate to renaming your blog to fit you. I'm in the middle of doing the same!

  3. Donna,

    Thank you for the shout out! I always enjoy working with you; you have gorgeous taste and it's such an honor to have a part in it.

    I love Clematis vines. I have a purple Clematis (not too sure the official name) and it's a show stopper. One of these days I hope to plant several other varieties around our home. Your white Clematis looks so romantic. I may have to look into getting one!


  4. Oh Donna sweet, I LOVE your new header. It IS so you!
    Your sweet autumn clematis is blooming so beautifully this year. I can't wait for mine to get this big. I had one that was huge and then two years ago it winter killed, so I am glad this one seems to be growing so well. I sure miss the blooms.
    I can't wait to hear what you will be re-naming your blog.
    love you bunches...

  5. Love your new header too! Is your clematis vine the one that smells so good? It looks like the vine my mother-in-law had at her place that would reach up to the gutters and start coming back down again. It would start blooming end of summer and smell so beautiful. It was located next to her deck so we were able to enjoy it along with good conversation. I wonder now if it was a clematis. Always enjoy visiting your blog.
    Connie (akaLOU)

  6. Wow! Donna!
    You have been busy this weekend!
    The precious pumpkins! Not to mention the projects around the house.

    The Clematis is beautiful and so is your new Blog header!

    I look forward to seeing all of your new designs!

  7. Great header!!.....and i forget to tell your other blog looks new and beautiful !!

  8. Hi Donna,

    Everything looks so lovely!
    I Love the new header, beautiful photos. Your pumpkins are so unique can't wait to see what you have planned next.
    All the Best,

  9. I agree with Cindy, I adore the blue color too! I told my blog designer to look at yours as an example of a blog design that I love, and that was before you tweeked it. I am glad it is still pretty much the same, and I think the new name is nice. Well I am quite happy I got my pumpkin order from you, and will be sharing what I did with those soon! Always a visit I love making...stepping over here.

  10. I love your new header. And I agree with the others that the blue background is just lovely.

    The clematis is gorgeous! I'd love to plant some but never seem to remember it until its too late.

  11. The new header is stunning! You sound like me! I want to give the shop a different name, something kinda French, but, well just not sure what to do. Everybody knows me as Time Worn Interiors! Sometime I think I over think things! Does that make any sense?

  12. Looking good!
    I love your vine..I have not had luck planting vines, I guess that I have not found the right place for them.
    Congrads on all the orders. That is fabulous!
    Have a great week,

  13. "Change is good." Who said that first? i googled and found zip..anyway I believe it, most of the time, especially if we initiate it instead of having it thrust upon us.

    "To thine own self be true" Now that one I know ..Polonius to his son

    You are doing that beautifully <3

  14. Hi Donna- First, I love your new header and blog title. I can't wait to hear what else you have to tell us about it. And second, your autumn clematis is gorgeous! I may have to plant one next spring on my arbor. :)

  15. It look sbeautiful Donnna - Mandy is such a talent. Anxious to see what nex things you have in store for us.
    Hope you're having a marvelous week!

  16. Your new header is wonderful! Mandy does a great job. The clemantis is WOW!


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~Donna Reyné