April took what photos were taken, She did manage to get this shot just before 8 in the morning as I was working on the setup at the patisserie. As you can tell it was packed with wonderments.
I had made alot of these tiny tussie mussies the were tucked here and there throughout the vignette. I don't have anymore so they must have been a success. I took a couple of photos of the little patisserie. Karen Kay picked these flowers the morning of the event. So...Cute!
I had made alot of these tiny tussie mussies the were tucked here and there throughout the vignette. I don't have anymore so they must have been a success. I took a couple of photos of the little patisserie. Karen Kay picked these flowers the morning of the event. So...Cute!
this closeup of some of the chicken wire cloches I made. I LOVE THESE THINGS! they really work. I had been having some issues in my garden with the rabbits eating the tops off my peppers. I tried one of these over the plant until it got a bit taller and the rabbits forgot them. I now have some new growth on my pepper plant!
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~Donna Reyné